First up for those who don't know, i'm Ghost. I make music, i'm a producer.
If you click here you can find all of my releases available via the suspect packages website
If you like your music to have some sort of heart and soul you've come to the right place. Music is all about bringing something out of people. Whether it's a feeling of happiness, sadness, or the wealth of emotions in between and outside of those, music has the ability to reach everyone.
I started out as a total novice who couldn't play any type instrument, the flute when i was 10 doesn't count. Slowly i've taken my time to learn how to put across what i think and feel via music. I'm self taught in everything i've learnt about how to make music, thats not to say i didn't have help along the way, but for the majority i've had to learn from scratch.

Along the way i've had lots of up's and downs, met some amazingly talented people and some dickheads. I feel very lucky to have been able to release the work i have, and intend on releasing a lot more over the coming years.
All my early work was making straight up Hip Hop, you know like back from the early to mid 90's, part of the so called 'Golden Era' of Hip Hop. My first few releases were all very much influenced by my huge love for Hip Hop. I had to get that music out of my system as Hip Hop has been such a massive influence on what i do, even still now.

Slowly i've been trying to expand on my sound and incorporating more of myself in what i produce. That's taken time, but slowly i've become my own person looking into myself for inspiration rather than others. I'd always played my favourite records thinking, i want to sound like them, when i was just starting out making music.
I feel over the last 2 years since i finished my album, released April 06 but finished quite sometime before that, the music i'm making has been all me. I'm not trying to sound like anyone else these days. When i'm working on a Ghost project what you're going to get is 100% Ghost! I stopped listening to music for a while cause i needed to work out where i was going.

The style of music i'm doing has morphed into an interesting mixture of many music genres. I'll always keep an element of Hip Hop involved in what i do, but i'm flirting with a lot of electronica, Trip Hop, Dubstep, Detroit, Downbeat etc etc....
But, i'm all about the vibes. Whatever i make will always have heart and soul put into it, i do not make music to satisfy others. What i mean is people have told me to make this sort of music, and that sort, and earn some money doing cheap tracks, i just can't do it. i'm very paticular about the music i have released. You will only ever get a Ghost record if i've put everything into it.
This year has been the most creative year i've ever had, i shut myself off from most things and sat at home and have come up with 3 albums. These are all very different sounding projects. I'll post more on these very soon...
I just wanted to give anyone slightly interested a bit of backround info on me and what i did, and am doing with music.....

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