Monday 29 December 2008

Its been a long time...

Yeah it certainly has! But all for good reason, i've been releasing my 2nd album in Japan, finishing off my 2 other main projects, 'Invisible Inc' with Verb T and Kashmere, and LIngua Franca with singer Devorah.

As people may or may not understand how the music business works it takes a long time from the completion of a project to it actually being released. Most musicians i know would love it to be quicker than it is but thats just how it is. My album was completed about 6 months ago, Lingua Franca was also completed over 6 months ago, and Invisible Inc, although we have an album and extra tunes, we just want to add to the pot before we say it's totally finished.

Anyway music politics is a ball ache and i don't know another artist who has never encountered it, but you just gotta keep on doing it!

The point of writing this was actually to post up some new music anyway. Usually after i finish a project i start to tinker with new ideas and work out what i wanna do next. Right now i'm making a lot of electronic shit, dustep, Hip Hop, electro etc etc... i'm working several years in advance of what you're likely to hear released in the shops!

Hope you enjoy this, just me experimenting...

click here to listen or download at z share

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